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Friday, September 12, 2008

Maintaining Communications Structures with Flexible Updating in SAP BW BI


Assign the fields of a DataSource to the corresponding InfoObjects of the InfoSource. Although the DataSource contains source system fields that belong together, you can combine fields that logically belong together from several DataSources, from various source systems in the communication structure.


You have created an InfoSource with flexible updating.


You can get to the maintenance of the communication structure using the InfoSource tree of the Administrator Workbench.

  1. Choose Your Application Components
  2. ® Your InfoSource ® Context menu (right mouse click) ® Change.
      • You can enter the required InfoObjects directly into the left-hand column of the communication structure. You can also select InfoObjects using F4 Help, or create new characteristics and key figures by using the toolbar.
      • If you have already assigned a source system and a communication structure already exists with transfer rules and transfer structure, then you are displayed the InfoObjects from the transfer structure in the template. You can select InfoObjects and transfer or remove them from the template into the communication structure using the arrow.
  1. You can also define that the referential integrity should be checked. You can set the InfoObjects that should be checked. A check against the master data ODS object, if it exists, always makes sense. Alternatively you can check against the master data table.

Also refer to Checking for Referential Integrity.

In the InfoObject maintenance you can define the ODS object against which you want to check. See also Tabstrip: Master Data/Texts.

  1. Check your entries and save.

You can only use the InfoObjects of the communication structure in the update rules if you have activated your entries.

If a communication structure already existed in an active version, then the system always reverts back to this when maintaining the update rules. The version of the communication structure, which was created by a simple save, is not used.

InfoObjects of the communication structure, which are used in the update rules or in the transfer rules, cannot be removed from the communication structure.

If an InfoObject is used, the corresponding fields in the communication structure maintenance are highlighted.


You have determined InfoObjects that can be updated in the data targets.

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