When you have maintained the transfer structure and the communication structure, you use the transfer rules to determine how you want the transfer structure fields to be assigned to the communication structure InfoObjects. You can arrange for a 1:1 assignment. You can also fill InfoObjects using routines, formulas, or constants.
You need not assign InfoObjects to each field of the transfer structure. If you only need a field for entering a routine or for reading from the PSA, you need not create an InfoObject.
However, you must keep the following in mind: When you load data from non-SAP systems, the information from the InfoObject is used as the basis for converting the key figures into the SAP format. In this case you must assign an InfoObject to the field. Otherwise wrong numbers might be loaded or the numbers might be displayed incorrectly in the reports. For more information, also see Conversion Routines in BW.
Before you are able to maintain the transfer rules for an InfoSource, you must assign a source system to the InfoSource and create a communication structure.
1. You maintain the transfer rules in the InfoSource tree of the Administrator Workbench.
For InfoSources, choose Your Application Components ® Your InfoSource ® Context menu (right mouse-click) ® Change.
2. Select a transfer method. We recommend the PSA transfer method. In the Scheduler you also have other options for data updating. See also Tab Page: Processing.
3. The transfer structure is displayed in the right half of the screen along with the selected DataSource fields.
The system uses the data elements to help it suggest InfoObjects that could be assigned to the corresponding fields of the DataSource. These suggested InfoObjects are displayed in the left column of the transfer structure
The fields for which the system cannot provide any proposals remain empty.
Using the Context Menu (right mouse-button) ® Entry Options, or F4 Help, you select the InfoObjects that you want to assign to the DataSource fields. Alternatively, you can use the same data elements or field names to help you create an assignment.
You do not have to assign InfoObjects to all the DataSources fields at this point. Using the transfer rules, you can also fill the InfoObjects of the communication structure with a constant or from a routine.
4. In the left half of the screen, the communication structure InfoObjects are displayed as well as the transfer rules that the system proposes.
By selecting one row from both the left-hand side and the right-hand side of the screen, you can use the arrows to assign fields from the transfer structure to the InfoObjects of the communication structure.
You must remove from the transfer structure any fields that are not required. This improves performance, because otherwise data that you have not selected will be extracted.
5. For InfoObjects with the conversion routines ALPHA, NUMC or GJAHR, you can set the Optional Conversion key figure. See also Conversion Routines in BW.
6. You can create a start routine if you use the PSA to load the data.
This improves the system performance, for example, when you check if a certain request is already available in an ODS object, and makes the update rules consistent.
7. You can enhance or modify the transfer rules suggested by the system.
To do this, select a transfer rule type by clicking on the corresponding Type symbol in the appropriate row:
· InfoObject: The fields are transferred from the transfer structure and are not modified.
Use the Default transfer rules function to assign fields in the transfer structure to fields in the communication structure.
· Constants: An InfoObject is filled by a fixed value.
You could, for example, assign the fixed value US to the InfoObject 0COUNTRY.
· Formula: An InfoObject is filled with a value that is determined using a formula.
· Routine: An InfoObject is filled from a local transfer routine.
Local transfer routines are ABAP programs that you can create, modify, or transfer. The routine only affects the selected InfoObject in the relevant communication structure.
For an explanation of the procedure see Creating Transfer Routines.
8. Activate the transfer rules. Data can be loaded from the source system in an activated version only.
The status of the transfer rules is shown as a green or a yellow traffic light.
Since not all of the fields in the transfer structure have to be transferred into the communication structure, you can activate the transfer rules with just one assigned field. The status is shown as a yellow traffic light.
A red traffic light indicates an error. The transfer rules cannot be activated if there are errors.
You have ensured that the communication structure can be filled with data.
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