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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tab Page: Type/Unit BI InfoObject


Key Figure Type

Specify the type. Amounts and quantities need unit fields.

Data Type

Specify the data type. For the amount, quantity, and number, you can choose between the decimal number and the floating point number, which guarantees more accuracy. For the key figures date and time, you can choose the decimal display to apply to the fields.

The following combinations of key figure and data type are possible:

Key Figure Type

Data Type

AMO Amount

CURR: Currency field, created as DEC

FLTP: Floating point number with 8 byte precision

QUA Quantity

QUAN: Quantity field, created as DEC

FLTP: Floating point number with 8 byte precision

NUM Number

DEC: Calculation or amount field with comma and +/- sign.

FLTP: Floating point number with 8 byte precision

INT integer

INT4: 4 byte integer, whole number with +/- sign

DAT Date

DATS: Date field (YYYYMMDD), created as char(8)

DEC: Calculation or amount field with comma and +/- sign.

TIM Time

TIMS: Time field (hhmmss), created as char(8)

DEC: Calculation or amount field with comma and +/- sign.

Currency/Quantity Unit

You can assign a fixed currency to the key figure. If this field is filled, the key figure bears this currency throughout BW.

You can also assign a variable currency to the key figure. In the field unit/currency, determine which InfoObject bears the key figure unit. For quantities or amount key figures, either this field must be filled, or you must enter a fixed currency or amount unit.

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