Conversion routine GJAHR is used when entering the business year in order to allow an abbreviated, two-digit entry. A business year has four digits in the internal format.
When converting from an external into an internal format this checks whether the entry in the INPUT field is wholly numerical, whether it consists of digits only, possibly with blank spaces before and/or after.
1. If a two-digit sequence of numbers is entered then these are put in the third and fourth spaces of the OUTPUT field. The left-hand spaces are filled with 19 or 20 according to the following rule:
¡ Two-digit sequence <>
¡ Two-digit sequence >= 50. Fill from left with 19.
2. A sequence that does not have two-digits is transferred to the output field from left to right. Blank characters are omitted.
Conversion from the external into the internal format:
1. '12' ® '2012'
2. '51' ® '1951'
3. '1997' ® '1997'
4. '991# ® '991#
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