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Friday, August 22, 2008

PERI5 Conversion Routine BI InfoObject


The PERI5 conversion serves to convert a five-figure calendar quarter in an external format (Q.YYYY, for example) into the internal format (YYYYQ). Y stands for year (here four digits) and Q for quarter (single digit: 1,2,3, or 4). The separator (‘.’ or ‘/’) has to correspond to the date format in the user settings.


Permitted entries for the date format DD.MM.YYYY are QYY (two digits for year without separator), Q.YY (two digits for year with separator), QYYYY (four digits for year without separator), and Q.YYYY (four digits for year with separator). Permitted entries for the date format YYYY/MM/DD would be YYQ, YY/Q, YYYYQ, YYYY/Q.


Examples where the date format in the user settings is DD.MM.YYYY. A conversion from the external to the internal format takes place:


1. '2.02' ® '20022'

2. '31999' ® '19993'

3. '4.2001' ® '20014'

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