The DataSources delivered by SAP with the BI Content and any DataSources delivered by partners or customers in their own namespace are available in the delivery version (D version) in the SAP source system. If you want to transfer data from an SAP source system to a BI system using a DataSource, you must first copy the data from the D version to the active version (A version) and make it known in the BI system.
You have two options:
● You can copy the DataSource in the SAP source system to the active version and then replicate it.
● You can copy the DataSource remotely from within the BI system to the active version. In this case the replication takes place automatically.
● The remote activation is subject to an authorization check. Authorization object S_RO_BCTRA is checked. System administration must have assigned you the role SAP_RO_BCTRA in order for you to be able to activate the DataSources (more information: Changing Standard Roles). This authorization applies to all the DataSources in a source system.
● For remote activation, the D versions of the DataSources must exist in the BI system. They are replicated when you connect a source system and when you replicate to the BI system for an application component or a source system.
In the SAP Source System
1. To transfer and activate a DataSource delivered by SAP with Business Content, in transaction SBIW in the source system choose Business Information Warehouse à Business Content DataSources or Activating SAP Business Content àTransfer Business Content DataSources.
The following figure displays the DataSources in an overview according to the application component.
2. Select the nodes in the application component hierarchy for which you want to transfer DataSources into the active version. Do so by positioning the cursor on the node and choosing Highlight Subtree.
The DataSources lying under the subtree and other subtrees are selected.
3. To check for differences between the active and delivery versions of the DataSources, choose Select Delta.
DataSources for which differences were found in the check (for example, due to changes to the extractor) are highlighted in yellow.
4. To analyze the differences between active and delivered versions of a particular DataSource, select the DataSource and choose Version Comparison. The application log contains further information regarding the version comparison.
5. To transfer a DataSource from the delivery version into the active version, select it in the overview tree using the button Highlight Subtree and choose Transfer DataSources.
If an error occurs, the error log appears.
Regardless of whether data has been successfully transferred into the active version, you can call the log by choosing Display Log.
6. To provide the active version of the DataSource in the connected BI systems and to enable data extraction and transfer, replicate the DataSource(s) with a metadata upload to the BI system.
You can then activate the objects for this source system that depend on the source system in the BI system.
When you activate BI Content DataSources, the system overwrites the active customer version with the SAP version.
You can only search for DataSources or other nodes in expanded nodes.
For information about changing the installed DataSources, see Editing DataSources and Application Components.
Remotely From Within the BI System
DataSources are activated remotely under the given circumstances when BI Content is activated. Information about the general procedure for installing content: Installing BI Content.
In BI, the system collects the DataSources for those objects that are one level (at most) before the selected object. This is sufficient to provide transaction and master data.
For example, if this object is an InfoCube, the following DataSources are collected:
■ DataSources from which the corresponding InfoSource supplies transaction data to the InfoCube (see above graphic)
■ DataSources that contain the original master data of the InfoObjects contained in the InfoCube (characteristics of the InfoProvider as well as their display and navigation attributes). No DataSources are collected for the attributes of these InfoObjects.
When the objects are collected, the system checks the authorizations remotely. If you do not have authorization to activate the DataSource, the system produces a warning.
If you install BI Content in the BI system in the active version, the results of the authorization check are taken from the main store.
If you do not have the necessary authorization, the system produces a warning for the DataSource. Errors are shown for the corresponding source-system-dependent objects (transformations, transfer rules, transfer structure, InfoPackage, process chain, process variant). In this case, you have the option of manually installing the required DataSources in the source system from the BI Content (see above), replicating them in the BI system, and then transferring the corresponding source-system-dependent objects from the BI Content.
If you have the required authorization, the active versions of the DataSources are installed in the source system and replicated in the BI system. The source-system-dependent objects are activated in the BI system.
BI Service API with Release SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (Plug-In Basis 2005.1) in the source system and BI are prerequisite to remote activation. If this prerequisite is not fulfilled, you have to activate DataSources in the source system and replicate them in BI afterwards.
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