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Friday, January 9, 2009

Monitor in BW BI


A request is generated to execute your data transfer process (DTP). The monitor for data transfer processes allows you to keep track of the request in the various processing steps.


The request status and request messages from the data transfer processes and the InfoPackage loading processes are integrated into the monitor for loading processes, which you can call in the Administration functional area of the Data Warehousing Workbench by choosing Monitors ® Load Data.

You can also call the monitor using data transfer process maintenance, using the process monitor on a DTP in the log view of the process chain maintenance, or using the Call Monitor function for a target object in an object tree in the Data Warehousing Workbench.


If you call the monitor for a data transfer process with the indicator Get All New Data in Source Request by Request using the log view of a process chain run, a list of the DTP requests that all source requests retrieved within the process chain run is displayed.

Note that DTPs that were created prior to SAP NetWeaver 7.0 SPS12 behave in a different manner: If you set the indicator, the first request of the source is retrieved with only one DTP request. In this case the process monitor displays only this one DTP request.

More information: Creating Data Transfer Processes


The monitor for a data transfer process request displays detailed information about the processing of the request, in addition to the header information.

At the first level of the detail tree, the system displays the status of the requests at various points during the process, for example, at generation, when processing the steps during the DTP program, and when setting the technical and complete status of the request. The status display for the processing is then divided further according to the steps of the data transfer process and displays the status and messages for each of the processing steps and data packages in the processing steps.

At the processing step level, you can also branch into the temporary storage display for this particular processing step if you have defined in DTP maintenance that the temporary storage is to be filled after this processing step. You can jump to the PSA maintenance for the error stack if data has been written to the error stack and has not been updated yet.

If the DTP is used in a process chain, you can jump to the log view of the process chain run in which the DTP request was processed from within the monitor by choosing This graphic is explained in the accompanying text Process Chain. You can also jump in the case of deleted requests.

From the monitor, you can branch to the where-used list for the request. This allows you to display independent target requests and delete requests consistently. More information: Where-Used List for Requests.

You can also branch to the administration for the source and the target (DataSource or InfoProvider), as well as to the job and process overviews.

With This graphic is explained in the accompanying text Debugging you can Simulate and Debug DTP Requests.

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