API functions available in BEX 3.x:
1. Function SAPBEXinitConnection(Optional newConnectionObj As Object) As Boolean
Set up a connection to BW Server
2. Function SAPBEXgetConnection(Optional what As Integer) As Variant
Get the existing connection object if already connected to BW server by help of BEX
3. Sub SAPBEXattachGIS(Optional refreshOnly As Boolean) Attach GIS-MAP (same as clicking the BEX-Toolbar button)
4. Sub SAPBEXpauseOn()
In case you like to fire more than one API command (like two individual filter values) without immediate refresh
5. Sub SAPBEXpauseOff()
After this command all of the commands called after SAPBEXpauseOn will be executed
6. Function SAPBEXsetVariables(varValues As Range) As Integer
Set variable Values for User to provide Pop-Up Filter selections (Filter dialogs will be disabled if properly filled)
7. Function SAPBEXrefresh(allQueries As Boolean, Optional atCell As Range) As Integer
Refresh either all Queries in Workbook all Queries=FALSE or selected Queries by identifying the Query range
8. Function SAPBEXsetDrillState(newState As Integer, Optional atCell As Range) As Integer
Set the Drill state via coding to: vertical (newState=1) or horizontal (newState=2) or no drill state (newState=0)
9. Function SAPBEXgetDrillState(currentState As Integer, Optional atCell As Range) As Integer
Find out what DrillState is defined for a specific object
10. Function SAPBEXsetFilterValue(intValue As String, Optional hierValue As String, Optional atCell As Range)
As Integer
Set a filter value for a specific characterictic ( i.E. 0CUSTOMER = 1002) to filter either on simple or hierarchy values.
11. Function SAPBEXgetFilterValue(intValue As String, hierValue As String, Optional atCell As Range) As Integer
Get a filter value for a specific characterictic ( i.E. 0CUSTOMER) to use it later on either on simple or hierarchy node.
12. Function SAPBEXcopyFilterValue(fromCell As Range, Optional atCell As Range) As Integer
Copy a filter value for a specific characteristic see our little example above
13. Function SAPBEXfireCommand(fCode As String, Optional atCell As Range) As Integer
Fire commands like remote control context menu or toolbar (values can be found via Trace file)
14. Function SAPBEXcheckContext(fCode As String, Optional atCell As Range) As Integer
Check if an OLAP command like SAPBEXfireCommand can be used on that particular cell
15. Function SAPBEXshowTextElements(Optional selectGroup As String, Optional atCell As Range) As Integer
Like display of text elements (filters, global values) via Toolbar
16. Function SAPBEXjump(jumpType As String, jumpTarget As String, Optional atCell As Range) As Integer
ReportReport Interface(RRI) ; Jump to a specified Workbook or view
17. Function SAPBEXgetResultRangeByID(ByVal queryID As String, Optional ByVal charName As String) As Range
Find out where data from query is being displayed; for example in case you like to add data to last column
18. Function SAPBEXsaveWorkbook(Optional wbName As String) As Integer
Save your workbook after refresh (no name needed) or save as new file
19. Function SAPBEXreadWorkbook(wbID As String) As String
Open your workbook via Workbook ID (GUID) see text above for later use
20. Function SAPBEXgetWorkbookID(wbName As String) As String
Find out workbook Id by open Workbook by 'human friendly' name. Return value is GUID
21. Function SAPBEXembedQuery(genUID As String, Optional atActiveCell As Boolean) As String
Like Toolbar function; embed a new query (not workbook) to your active workbook.
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