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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Maintaining the SAPBWKEY Column BI InfoObject


You have completed the following steps:

Created a local copy of the shapefile

Downloading BI master data into a dBase file


The SAPBWKEY is maintained in the dBase file with the suffix .dbf. This file contains the attributes table.



1. Launch Microsoft Excel and choose File ® Open.

2. From the dropdown box in the Files of Type field, choose dBase Files (*.dbf).

3. From the C:\SAPWorkDir directory, open the cntry200.dbf file. The attributes table from the shapefile is displayed in an Excel worksheet.

4. Repeat this procedure for the 0D_COUNTRY.DBF file that you created in the step; Loading BI Master Data into the dBase File. This file shows you which values from the SAPBWKEY are used for which countries.

5. In the 0D_COUNTRY.DBF file, use the short description (0TXTSH column) to compare the two tables.

ESRI delivers an ESRI BI map data CD. This CD contains the SAPBWKEY (corresponding to the SAP country key) for the characteristic 0D_COUNTRY. This is why the SAPBWKEY column in the cntry200.dbf file is already filled with the correct values.

Copy the SAPBWKEY manually to the attributes table in the shapefile

- if you are using a different country key

- if you are working with characteristics for which the SAPBWKEY column has not been defined, or is filled with invalid values

If you are working with compounded characteristics, copy the complete SAPBWKEY, for example, for region 01 compounded with country DE copy the complete value DE/01.

Do not under any circumstances change the sequence of the entries in the attributes table (for example, by sorting or deleting the rows!) If you were to change the sequence of the entries, the attributes table would no linger agree with the index and the geometric files.

6. When you have finished maintaining the SAPBWKEY column, save the attributes table in the shapefile, in this example, cntry200.dbf.

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